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“When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die” -Jean-Paul Sartre.

Updated: Jun 24

What is keeping someone economically oppressed?

Those who are economically oppressed (e.g., boycotted, not being hired for a position one qualifies for, and/or someone controlling the narrative to keep one poor) have limited means to overcome poverty; and those are some of the ways in which one remains oppressed.

What is the difference between a for-profit and a nonprofit organization?

In a for-profit, you (personally) can make an income on the services provided. In a nonprofit, you (personally) do not make an income on the services provided.

Should persons of underrepresented communities create a profit or non-profit organization?

Considering that one was economically disadvantaged to begin with, making a profit would be essential. At a for-profit organization, you can still provide low-cost to free services to meet the needs of the community you’re interested in serving.  If you are wealthy and have the means not to profit from your organization, you could consider a non-profit organization.

What are the pros and cons of having a for-profit organization?

It all depends on your interest and whether you could make a profit (e.g., type of communities and demands). For example, someone from a wealthy community may be able to afford a $20 yoga class and attend multiple times per week. In contrast, someone from an underserved community may only be able to afford to pay $5-10 for a yoga class and not be able to attend multiple times per week.

Is it fulfilling to have your own business?

If you’re creative and want to channel your creativity, starting your own business might be the way to go. It all depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. But it is not an easy process.

 Live your truth,


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