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“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” Maya Angelou

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

What are some signs you're not valued?

People will show you who they are in many ways. Pay attention. Do their actions match their words? Do they tend to be polite but show little interest in you? Do they steal your ideas without regard to your efforts? Do they speak badly to you or others? Many times the signs are unmistakable. We choose to ignore them. To know if you're valued, you must clearly understand your values. (personal or professional relationships are nourishing, not depleting your self-worth).

If you feel that someone doesn't value you, should you confront them?

It depends. Ask yourself why you think confronting this person is important. Are you facing this person to change their perspective? Are you doing it for closure? Is it worth confronting this person? Understanding the reasons for confronting someone who does not appreciate you are essential, starting with knowing your values. Can you walk away with or without saying anything? It would help if you defined what standing up for yourself means to you.

How do you know if you're confronting someone to seek approval?

Do you value yourself? If so, you know you're worthy, which is why you have decided to confront the person. Confronting people is not always about approval but rather doing what is necessary to get answers. Sometimes by confronting them, you get to see who they are (do they care or not care about you). However, when you're valued (treated with dignity, respect, and understanding), you will know.

Update: The blog posts will now be available once a month.

With an open heart,


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